Monday, November 8, 2010

It’s Holiday Time

What does your company do to celebrate the end of another year with your employees? NEM gives all employees their choice of a turkey, ham or grocery store gift certificate for Thanksgiving. It is a really nice gesture that says ‘Thank You’, not only to the employees, but by giving them food, it allows them to share the thank you with their family and loved ones. It helps to expand the ‘NEM family’ to include the people who support our employees at home.

We also have a ‘holiday party’ in December. The holiday party changes from year to year. Some years it is dinner and dancing at a banquet hall. Other years it is a hot sit-down luncheon for the employees. We are always looking for ideas that will include as many employees as possible. Let me know if you have any ideas that have been successful at your company. How does your company share the camaraderie of the holiday season with all its employees?

The author, Marge Bonura, is the Director of Sales & Marketing for New England Machinery, Inc. (NEM). NEM is a leading manufacturer of bottle unscramblers, cappers, orienters, retorquers, lidders, pluggers, pump sorter/placers, scoop feeders, hopper elevators and much more. The company has been in business since 1974 selling to the food, beverage, pharmaceutical, personal care, chemical, household products, automotive and other industries. For more information on NEM, visit their website at

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